Bryncynon Community Revival Strategy
Get in touch with us at info@new.com
Registered Charity Number: 1067535 Registered Company Number: 3195860
The Cynon Valley - A Culinary Community
Our cookbook has been created with a combination of beautiful people giving us tasty recipes from quirky old favourites to something a little extra-ordinary. This cookbook is a must for any kitchen, whether it is an emergency comfort dish or yummy treats to eat together at parties or celebrations. Every recipe has been tried, tested and reviewed by local people and ingredients sourced locally as much as possible.
All weights and measurements for each recipe in this cookbook have been kept to the original units provided by the supplier /creator as per personal preference.
Compiled by: Partners in Food A consortium approach
Design: Arts Factory
Thank you to all our volunteers, partnership staff, volunteers and community members for all their input, assistance and dedication into creating this recipe book.